Help experts! I bought a dyed coral and its making a mess!


Active Member
Hey all
So I bought a bright yellow goniopora from a LFS yesterday and When I got it home the bag was cloudy and slightly yellow. I thought it was just a coincidence.
I put it in my display and it started making the water cloudy FAST!!! I did a partial water change and moved it to the frag tank below.
This AM the frag tank water is YELLOW, not like stinky and deathly yellow but like someone put food coloring in it!!!!! And the goni is disintegrating with pieces of flesh coming off!!!
Im going to keep the water changes up and I guess hope it may slightly live... even if it isnt yellow :(
Any suggestions on what to do to increase the lively hood of the coral? Is it just going to die? Ive had goni sucessfully before and sold it to another swf. board member because it got too big.
Im running a 24 AP with 150w 14k Metal halide and a 12 NC (frag) with a 70w 20k metal halide.
any help from someone who has bought a dyed coral and it lived/died would be verrrry helpful at this point. Id rather not cut my losses and bag it. Id like to try to save the poor thing.
Happy Reefing


Could you post a pic of the coral. I've had a couple dyed ones come in by mistake and was able to keep them alive.


Active Member
Whered you get it? Post it on PBMAS.
Keep doing water changes. The dye could have hurt it, or it could have just been dying and started to disintegrate now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
Whered you get it? Post it on PBMAS.
Keep doing water changes. The dye could have hurt it, or it could have just been dying and started to disintegrate now.
Yeah it doesnt necessarily seem to be dying from just the dye but I dont think it helped
When I got it yesterday, the whole 'globe' was covered with flesh/polyps and YELLOW. Now its like 75% of it 'fell off'.
Heres a pic. You can even see the the plastic container next to it has a piece of flesh in it. see the bright yellow?

I got it at 'the fish store' in fort pierce, US1. Also bought a bicolor blenny from them which seems very happy and healthy. Im just pissed off that I got caught up in this. Obviously the guy knew it was dyed, I mean COME ON!?


Where are you from? I have been to The Fish Store and really their corals are not the best, their fish aren't too bad though. I have had 2 corals I bought from them die. I like to go to The Logical Reef in Vero. I'm there all the time.
As for your coral, It is just dying, I doubt there is anything you can do, most of the corals they get are in bad shape, I don't think they know too much about corals or they would stop ordering elegance and gonioporas. I have 2 Alveoporas. One that lost 2 out of 3 heads and the tissue falls off when it dies. The Yellow is the color of the polyps and not a dye. They just melt off their skeleton.


Active Member
Originally Posted by h2ocrazy
Where are you from? I have been to The Fish Store and really their corals are not the best, their fish aren't too bad though. I have had 2 corals I bought from them die. I like to go to The Logical Reef in Vero. I'm there all the time.
As for your coral, It is just dying, I doubt there is anything you can do, most of the corals they get are in bad shape, I don't think they know too much about corals or they would stop ordering elegance and gonioporas. I have 2 Alveoporas. One that lost 2 out of 3 heads and the tissue falls off when it dies. The Yellow is the color of the polyps and not a dye. They just melt off their skeleton.
no but the entire tank turned yellow when i put the coral in the tank. It looked like food coloring or something peed in the water. It was YELLOW. thats aside from the fact that the thing disentegrated and the flesh fell off. I was just trying to show the flesh in that pic. I had already done THREE water changes before I took that pic.. trying to get the yellow out. It was definitely dyed. no question.
I called the fish store and spoke to a girl and explained the situation and I told her "Id like to give them the opportunity to fix this problem" she said I have to talk to the guy that sold it to me tomorrow. So Ill call back tomorrow.
Also, I have alveolopora, and Ive had goniopora before but sold it when it got too big so Im pretty sure its not my neglect. Especially the way the flesh just FELL off in less than a day.


Active Member
just to update...
The coral completely sloughed away and croaked.
The LFS owner apologized and offered cash or exchange for a new coral. I went there today (they got a shipment from bali last night) and found another yellow flowerpot (not quite AS yellow... more realistic) and brought it home. Its opening as we speak.
The owner was very easy to deal with and very sorry for the situation. He even gave me some other free stuff while I was there :)
Ill post pics of the goni when it opens more
Thanks to those who tried to help :) I think it was all over, nothing to be done.
Happy Reefing!