Help !! F@#$ing LFS


New Member
My levels were a tad high and was time for water change. So went to LFS to get water changed tank water tested and now levels are off the charts.!!! Tested LFS water and it was the prob. What can i do to SAFLEY lower levels. LFS reccomened Prime and New Carbon ??? Dont trust them anymore


Active Member
just keep doing water changes, slowly though. this will help your levels
ps. with other water than from your lfs


New Member
Hard to do water changes when LFS water is screwed up. Need to lower levels NOW. Way past danger/ DEATH levels


New Member

Originally Posted by twistat420
Hard to do water changes when LFS water is screwed up. Need to lower levels NOW. Way past danger/ DEATH levels

didnt see PS.
How soon can i change if i changed today


Go to a local grocery store. I don't know any in your area as I'm on the west coast. However, many stores (Wal Mart seems popular, although I don't go there...ever...) have machines that sell RO/DI water by the gallon, usually around 25-35 cents per gallon. See if you can't find one.
If you don't want to drive around looking, grab the phone book and start calling. Ask if they have a machine that sells purified water by the gallon. If they do, go buy a gallon. Take your test kit with you and test that water. If it checks out, buy as much as you need and do the water change ASAP.
Do you have a QT tank? If you do, move your fish/inverts there to protect them if your levels are as out of range as you say.


Alot of fish stores will sell you the water from there water change so you are buying there used water. Not any beter than what you are allready changing.



Originally Posted by twistat420
didnt see PS.
How soon can i change if i changed today
You can do a 20%- 50% every couple of days. What are your EXACT readings. Prime will detoxify Nitrites, Ammonia, and Nitrates, Running Carbon won't hurt. Find some good water and mix for 24hrs at least before change.


New Member
Originally Posted by hardcrab67
You can do a 20%- 50% every couple of days. What are your EXACT readings. Prime will detoxify Nitrites, Ammonia, and Nitrates, Running Carbon won't hurt. Find some good water and mix for 24hrs at least before change.
nh3/4 = .25
No3= 50
got water mixing doing 50% wc tomorrow


It should correct itself w/ wc's, Its not as bad as you think. Nitrite is the killer and should stay at 0. I've had .5ppm on ammonia and 160ppm on nitrates w/ no ill-effect. Test tomorrow after you do the wc today.


Active Member
In the LFS defense they are there to SELL you stuff. Thats there job. When you go to a car dealer do they tell you you dont need a new car your current car is great? NO!
If you want someone to guide you that does tanks for a living hire someone to consult. If you go to a LFS and ask them something there job is to sell to you. Increase sales!


You could buy ocean water from Petsmart. IT comes in a 5 gallon box for $8.99. I like to have a box on hand. That way, you dont have to wait for the homemade water to mix and aerate.