Help Fast MArycyn question


Can I put marycyn for POP EYE in with inverts and LIve rock??? My Coral Beauty has it and i want to help. I dont have a medic tank. Grr. Please help fast


Active Member
when my coral beauty had popeye all i did was a large water change in a couple of days it healed up all on it's own. And no i don't think it's safe to add it to your tank in fact im almost positive.


Active Member
No. Make sure you place this in the disease and treatment forumn----you'll get better responses there.


How large of a water change?? mY LEVEls all seems to be at zero
trates n trites
ph is 8.0 or 8.1
Nope. No meds in the reef.
Try posting this in the disease and treatment forum. Beth and Terry will get you fixed up. Lots more to the story here.
You can get a rubbermaid bucket and fashion a hospital tank out of it as an emergency measure, but best bet is to get it to the LFS if they will QT it for you (for a charge, of course) or to a fellow hobbiest who has a hospital tank already set up. It is a really important piece of equipment.
Good luck. Your tank and water quality need some of your undivided attention soon! :(


Active Member
well I only did it with 3 gallons not really a large water change. But it was with well aged saltwater.


thanks for the replies. I will do a water change as soon as i can i have a 75 so is 15 gallons good??? Like i said everything else in the tank is fine, or seems to be anyway. In fact the dwarf is very active and eats all the time. he just has a really big white eye on one side. Well i will get that done, and I will start cyclin a ten gallon tank i have for a hospital. thanks


Active Member
If you have a 10 gallon handy then just add the water from your water change of the main tank.....instant cycled tank! Well mostly cycled, monitor it for a few days or so, thats what I did and had it up and running that way for about 8 months with no problems. Add a heater if you need to, a filter, and some hiding places, nothing needed for the bottom. HTH


How long has the fish had the popeye?
Many times the fish just might have hit a rock or something. Also many times with a waterchange popeye can go away. After a couple of days with it, it may verywell be a bacteria problem in which case Marycyn 2 or Nitrofuan would be a better choice.


Active Member
But, make sure you check in the disease and treatment forumn also. There is a trick to using maracyn (double doses and such), and also to check if you need to treat with maracyn I or II, I forgot which one as of the moment.
Posted at the same time as Thomas, but still you could set up the QT/Hospt. tank that way and then you'll have it ready for any thing that comes up.


thanks i looked more closely at his eye, and it is
Bigger than normal by a liittle bit, white, and it looks like there may be some kind of puncture on it. so maybe he did hit a rock.
Also have a question about rodi water, Do you have to put ammolock in it or a dechlorinizer i dont think you do, so i am sure i will sound stupid for asking this question. thanks


RODI water is good to go, you normally do not need to do anything else to it.
I'm also going to move this thread to the desease forum, so that if Mi~Lady Beth or Terry is there they can see it.


Unfortunate news is i think two of my other fish may have ich, Im not for sure though. One has very very small white dots and other just is actin funny and has went from a pink color to a white color and he swims funny. Arggh so frustrated and sad.