help fast! new fish tonight very stressed.


I just introduced a lunare wrasse into my tank this evening and he seems to be having a great deal of trouble adjusting. He has rapid gill movement and is jerky. My black edged moray is being territorial and has snapped at him a few times. What can I do to help him through?


The lights are off except for the light in the room which is pretty bright. Should that be off as well? Do they need complete darkness?


I acclimated him as I was directed. My salinity is 1.021 and actually my water temp is down a little at 72. Could it be any of this?


While it does not sound right, I've had more fish that look bad at first, and then ended up doing great, than I have seem good and then die. As long as you acclimated it correctly, and the lights are off. He should be ok. (as long as you parameters are ok) Shut off all the lights around the tank. Including bright lights in the room. I don't know much about the eel you have (aggressiveness) but as long as its not major aggressive, your wrasse should be ok.


he's swimming a little now. The eel is a very aggressive eel. He hasn't bothered any other fish yet which is odd. I am wondering if maybe I need more live rock for hiding places. I have turned all my bright lights off now so I will just wait it out now. Thank you very much for your advice! It is nice to have people to turn to.


Your welcome. How much LR do you have? Generaly speaking, the eel shouldnt kill anything it cant eat. I think everything should be fine.


Your water temperature is too low for your fish, you need to raise it up to at least 78 degrees, and try to keep it steady. (Although a daily fluctuation of +/- 2 degrees is acceptable)