HELP! few of my fish have white haze stuff on their body?!


New Member
I have 2 Neon Gobe and 2 pink fire fish, the neon gobe have a lot of white haze stuff on their body, and the 2 pink fire fish have some too...
It is like small cotton stuff on their body.. what is that? Is it paraside? what should I do now? Should I dip them or just take them out? Seems like the 2 neon gobe is nore severe then the pink fire fish...
My other fish is ok in the tank..
Please advice....


Here is a link to a web site that might help answer your question. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


I had the same problem a while back with a few of my fish. It could be parasites or fungus. I ran copper in my tank and it cleared up the problem. Caution, copper is not good for inverts it will kill any if you have any. I would suggest buying a UV Steralizer if you don't have one. It helps kill off parasites and bacteria that cause fish to get sick. The UV will kill some good bacteria also but since I added a UV, my water is crystal clear and the fish have been healthy since. Also stopped copper a while back once my fish cleared of the cotton on them and added the UV. This has been my personal experience.