Help...Filter broke tonight!


New Member
I just got back from an evening class and found that my filter is broken.
Do I have to stay up all night pouring in water and at what type of intervals would I need to do this.
Also, my roomate has a saltwater tank with only two damsles in. Could I put those two in my tank and attach his filter until the morning when I can buy a new filter or could that shock my tank?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
What size tank? How much live rock and live sand? How much flow do you have in your tank?Are you running a Protein Skimmer?
BTW Welcome to


New Member
The tank has been up and running since august. No, unfortunately there is NO water flow right now. Also, I just added a Coral Beauty last week so I am worried the tank hasn't yet caught up with the new source of ammonia.
Thanks for the welcome, I love the site.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
If you had some flow in the tank i would say your ok, but without flow im not sure.I have no experience with this problem.Hopefully someone else will chime in.Does your roommate have any powerheads in his tank?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I cant say for sure ...but i think you will be ok till morning.Maybe take you roomates filter and use it for a couple of hours.Just make sure you dont mix his water with yours.
Good luck.


New Member
I just got a new filter and powerhead so this won't happen again. I ended up pouring tank water in at 1:00, 4:00 and 8:00 (AM lol) before I had a chance to go to the store. Everything turned out fine, thanks.