
I have had a Coral beauty angel for over a year and noticed today the beginning of finrot, ie frayed tailfin. I cant tell and cardinal sign of "redness" on the fin because of the deep purple color. He is still active, eats and swims fine. His Breating is normal too.
My water isnt too bad
0 ammonia,
0 Nitrite,
Salinity 1.021
Temp 78-80 (small flux)
The only bad thing is a pH of 8.0 (I dont know why, Nitrates are fine too) which I have begun to fix.
OK, how should I treat this? Hospital tank with macryin/Macryin 2? Let him be? Any help you can give would be appreciated.


Staff member
Do the fins look frayed and ragged, or do they look like they have been chomped on? Take a close look at the fish, using a magnifying glass preferrably. Notice gills for redness and fleshy areas around the tail end to see if you see redness or swollen area.
Do a water change.
Best to get a difinative diagnois of a disease process or a harrassment, before beginning to treat fish. You might want to try feeding the fish some medicated flaked food and garlic. Preparing a hospital tank would be in order also. If you are actually dealing with a bacterial infection, however, best to use Maracyn2.