HELP!!!!! Fish are dying!


New Member
I have a 44 gallon tank that has been set up for approx 6 months. Due to long hours working, I am ashamed to say, I have neglected my tank. I have had a anglefish to die about a week ago and in the last 3 days I have lost a wrass,tang and a royal grammer, not to mention two cleaner shrimp. I did a 10% water change 2 days ago and 10% water change today. I checked water chemestry today before the water change and had ammonia of .25 and nitrate of 50. I made the water change and checked the water about 3 hours after and still have the high amonia and nitrate. My surviving 2 clown fish are in the corner of the tank gilling very hard. I dont have a quaranteen tank. I have a flugal 305 filter and my skimmer has bit the dust. Will someone please tell me of a miracle tratment so that i dont loose my last 2 buddies and my cleaner crew?


Active Member
Well, at this point, I would first conduct a 35-40% water change and afterwards add some SeaChem Stability or some Fritz-Zyme Turbo Start to get those ammonia levels down. Both of those products are natural, bioloagical bacteria additives which will increase your biological bacteria.
As far as preventing this from happening in the future, just stock your tank appropriately and do not overload it with fish.


Listen to Lion Crazz---he really knows what he's doing! You can get alot of different opinions on this site----Lion Crazz is one you can trust! follow his/her instructions & you'll be fine! Sorry Lion---don't know if you are male for female


Active Member
I am in agreement with lion on this. You were overstocked, especially the tang, so the ammonia spike doesn't suprise me. I also agree to the large water change, 10% is not enough.