HELP!!!!! Fish are dying!


New Member
I have a 44 gallon tank that has been set up for approx 6 months. Due to long hours working, I am ashamed to say, I have neglected my tank. I have had a anglefish to die about a week ago and in the last 3 days I have lost a wrass,tang and a royal grammer, not to mention two cleaner shrimp. I did a 10% water change 2 days ago and 10% water change today. I checked water chemestry today before the water change and had ammonia of .25 and nitrate of 50. I made the water change and checked the water about 3 hours after and still have the high amonia and nitrate. My surviving 2 clown fish are in the corner of the tank gilling very hard. I dont have a quaranteen tank. I have a flugal 305 filter and my skimmer has bit the dust. Will someone please tell me of a miracle treatment so that i dont loose my last 2 buddies and my cleaner crew?


New Member
I have bad nitrates and ammonia. How often can I make water changes and how much each time? 44 gallon tank.


Active Member
like they have already said you need a big water change and go to lfs and get somethink like ammo lock, etc. they sell stuff that will take the ammonia out of the water.
Go to like a ***** and you can setup a 10 gallon qt tank for around 30 bucks.