Help Fish Not Doing Well


New Member
I just got home and to my surprise I have found both my percula clowns laying on the bottom of the sand bed not moving very much but stil alive so far. My 2 damsels are hiding but seem to be moving ok I think. Is there anything I can do? My tank has been up for 3 months readings are as follows:
PH 8.2
Amm. 0.25
Trites 0
trates 15
these readings have been my normal readings for the last 2 moths. If ayone has any info I would greatly appreciate it. My sad bed is also getting brown patches in places, alot of places actualy. Thanks again for all the help


i would say some of it could be the cause of the ammonia, any ammonia is bad. you should'nt have any ammonia in a cycled tank. it will stress the fish out and cause illness. do a 10-20% water change. also how big is ur tank? and fish size?


New Member
I am foing a water change now thanks. The tank is a 30g and the 4 fish acount for about 5 inches total. Thank you for the info


Every two weeks of 25-30% All your levels should read 0 and can cut down feeding amount, vacum gravel........ somethings wrong start there..............:)