Help! Fish not eating!


I just bought a little Sebae Clown for my 55 gal. I haven't seen him eat! The false perc eats flake and blood worms just fine, but the Sebae pops flake in his mouth and pops it back out right away. Any suggestions I what I should get for him to eat?
THanks in advance!


Do you know if the fish was cought wild or tank raised? If cought wild, he would only be used to what he ate in the wild, not flakes or pellets.
- Og


I don't think he was tank raised, but I'm not sure. The other fish all came from the same place, and they all eat fine. I've tried flakes and blood worms, any suggestions on what might more resmeble what they eat in the wild? Brine shrimp?
All the fish are very young, the longest just over an inch in length, if that helps.


New Member
I have a gold-striped maroon and he loves brine shrimp, you might try that. He is also quite fond of running off with what I try to feed my eel, krill and shrimp, you could try that also.


Active Member
yeah, try live brine, it might eat some live mysis too. formulas 1,2, prime reef are all good clown foods. bo