Help for a Beginner



Have had fresh water tanks for years, and have a substantial Koi fish pond on my property. Looking to do a basic startup on salt water. I have a spare 30 Gallon long tank with a Whisper 3 filter, under gravel filter with two power heads. Was looking to do something very basic, maybe a couple of anemones with some clown fish. It appears this is an fairly easy setup. Looking for some suggestions on whether the equipement I have can do the job, what else I might need or other suggestions people might have.
Thanks for all the help.


Active Member
The best advice that can be given to you is to read as much as possible before you start. There is nothing simple about keeping clownfish and anemonies in good health. A 30 gal is BARE minimum for saltwater. Maybe one anemonie and two small clownfish. A 55 is better. Dont use the undergravel filter and go with a sump design instead of whisper filter.


Active Member
well, if you want something basic and easier to start with, jimi said it all, except, i'd nix the anemone, they are not really basic, but actually VERY advanced, IMO they need a mature and stable system and should not be added to a tank less than a year old(my actual opinion is that they don't belong in any tank, because ther is not enough known about them to keep them as long as you should be able to), but clowns are pretty basic and fairly easy, maybe consider a soft coral, ther are many that clowns will still take to
and WELCOME ABOARD, it's a great addiction


Most of the reading I have done recommends Anemoes for Clowns and Damsels. Are there specific types of soft coral that you know of that these fish will take to?
Thanks for all the information and help.


anemonies require special light as in that for a reef tank and the require good water conditions. I am not saying that it is not possible to keep one for an extended preiod of time, but it really should be left for when you know what you are doing better. I'm not saying you may not be able to do it, but the dissappointments that may occur could set up back in your saltwater dreams. :)


Clowns are pretty hardy fish, and they live fine w/o an anomone. You could start with the clowns, then add a host anomone later as your tank matures.
A good article on anemones is here and it tells you which are easier to keep and what clowns will "take" to it as a host.
Clarkiis are the most likely to bond with a host, and they like the Stichodactyla haddoni which is easier to keep. Mine has climbed to the highest point in the tank to get the most light, and I have 230 watts and 13,060 lumens woth of power compact lighting.


Active Member
i personally don't like anemones in aquariums, but some people insist upon having them, and some a re successful, but VERY FEW, and if someone tells you they are successful and has only had one several months, look for another source of info(too), months, although not a bad start is no where near success, most don't see more than 11 months and very f very few see 2 years, and less than .0001%see 5 yrs(and 5yrs is just the tip of the iceberg)
now do not misunderstandme, i love them and truly want one, but do not feel that they have a good survival rate, they should live 100+ yrs(some species anyway), and i am confident i can not provide that for them, not yet anyway
as for anemones and or corals, it is basically hit and miss, some clowns will or will not take to any(anemone or coral), and others will take to almost anything(so it seems)
flowerpots, and leathers seem to be 2 that i have seen with decent success