Help!!!! Freaking OUT!


Just got home & there's this weird web thing in my tank. Everyone is fine & don't seem freaked out by it. Any idea what it is? (Yes, I have an algae problem. Let's ignore that for now.)



Active Member
You have any sort of wrasse? They wrap themselves in this white stringy stuff that looks just like the stuff in the photos. Or there is some kind of snail that also leaves that kind of stuff. Just siphon it out, whatever it is, as long as you get it out-its out!! Until it comes back....
Hope this helps.


Active Member
I had those...if you look close..there are little "bugs" crawling on the web.... went away in a day or so...i'm assuming the fish ate whatever it is...
It didn't cause me a problem..


No, I don't have a wrasse, just 2 clowns & 2 firefish. It's gone now, I guess it was from a snail. I'm still curious as to what it actually was. Thanks guys.


It just showed up again in the same place! I can't figure out where it's coming from! Any ideas?
I have 2 clowns, 2 firefish, cleaner & peppermint shrimp, lta, feather dusters, mushrooms, hermit crabs, a sally light foot, astrea, turbo & mexican turbo snails.


Active Member
It has to be from the snails, you have nothing else in there that would cause that. Whatever it is, chill, because I have seen it other people's tanks and they have been just fine-I know it doesnt look good, but there is a 99.9% chance nothing will happen,I would just leave it alone...I am sure it will be gone in another couple of days or so.


Ha ha... yes, I have 'chilled' but there isn't a way to change my thread title to "Not freaking out anymore but still curious."


Active Member
Might not be snails.. could be anything that is a hitchhiker on your rocks/sand.


Active Member
Yeah, what Speg said-I still wouldnt worry much about it. As long as everything else in the tank is doing alright-I wouldnt worry about it. Sorry, I didnt mean to sound so rude about the "chill" thing.
-Adam h*


Oh, I didn't take offense. I did need to chill when I first posted. I only wish my tank was cool enough to have hitchhikers. Good ones, of course. I've been scrubbing my rocks so much lately because of the algae that I'm pretty sure I've killed any pods or critters that came in with the rock. I've been thinking about buying pods to restart my population but wasn't sure if that was sure if that was risky. I don't want to introduce any disease or pests. Any advice?


Active Member
Adding pods, is no more dangerous than adding live rock. Pods are already on the live rock, so you dont know if they have "diseases" or not. Just pretend when you buy pods that you are buying good hitchhikers off of live rock, without the live rock. I say GO FOR IT!! :cheer: