help fuzzy crab eating my starfish


New Member
i added new rock about a 2 weeks ago and there was a fuzzy crab in the rock i thought he was cool so i left him in the tank and last night he was eating my starfish and 1week ago my 2 cleaner shrimp disipeard does anyone know what i should do or if the crab is mean enough to eat shrimp <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


well im no expert but i would take it out but if you like it make a refugum(sp?) and put it in

don berry

If he is the same kind of crab I got on one of my rocks I would get him out now! Mine was fuzzy and had hair algea growing on him. He started picking at my colt coral. He was out right when I saw that. They have a hell of a grip though. I had to practically pry him off from the rock.


k here is what you do. Take him out place him between your index finger and thumb, and flick him into your neighbors yard ;) j/k. I would take him back to lfs.