Help!!! Green Carpet Anemone

roll tide

Seems to be dying. Ive had it for a couple of weeks now and was doing great until today. I have a maroon clown that has hosted well. The anemone hasnt open good at all today and tonight let go of his rock and fell face down. I flipped him back over and he is not "stickey" at all. Conditions are all fine(salt was a little low but coming back up slowly). Any ideas? Help please. Thanks...


Depends on the kind of carpet. It wouldn't starve in a few weeks unless it was in bad shape when you got it. Test all the usual stuff: ammonia, trites, trates, phosphate, temp, salinity and let us know the results.
Have you fed it since you got it? How big is your tank?

roll tide

It was in good shape when I got it. I have a 55 gallon. And yes, it has ate several times since I've had it. My clown even brings him food. I'm at work today but I will check evrything again on Sunday. Thanks

roll tide

I called the wife today to see what the anemone looked like. She says it still is laying in the sand but was open about half way. Mouth was open also. What yall think?


Thats not a good sign. When their mouth is open or if it's spitting stuff out its not doing well. An exception is its been fed real recent. Sorry I can't give you a better answer to what the problem is. How old is your tank?

roll tide

It seems to be doing better this morning(knock on wood). Still isnt attached to his rock but might be burying its foot in the sand, maybe. Opened up this morning and the mouth is about the size of a dime vs. a quarter like last night. My tank is 2 yrs old. Any help would be appriciated> Thanks


Haddoni carpets (most common in the trade) usually like to be in the sand. Maybe that was the problem. It just didn't like where it was. Lets hope anyways.

roll tide

We'll see. I'm pretty new to all this so I get freaked out easy. I'll try and post some pics this evening. Thanks again for all the help.

roll tide

Seems to be doing good now. He has started to attach himselt back to the rocks behind him. Looked bad for a couple of days though...


New Member
I ma sorry about your carpet anemone, but how do you get one of those things up so people can read about it.


96 watts on a 55???? ur supose to have 5watts a gallon that 275 atleast!!! i have 260 and might get bta but never a carpet with 96 watts! come on u need better lights or u need to not have a anemone

roll tide

Originally Posted by NateP206
96 watts on a 55???? ur supose to have 5watts a gallon that 275 atleast!!! i have 260 and might get bta but never a carpet with 96 watts! come on u need better lights or u need to not have a anemone

Go back to the top of my post. I have 4(four) 96 watt pc's....

roll tide

Originally Posted by AK_guppy
I ma sorry about your carpet anemone, but how do you get one of those things up so people can read about it.
I'm not sure I know what you mean.