Help- Green Hair Algae Taking Over


I have asked this question before, but still need help. The green hair algea is getting worse in my 29 gal. Please do not ask for my readings since all are near perfect inc. nitrarte, nitrite, ph, ammonia, calcium and phosphate. 1 fish in the tank now- cleaners on order. The tank has been set up with approx 15 lbs of LR. Lighting is compact flourescant with blue atinic left on 6-8 hrs a day. All seems to have started about 3 weeks ago. I recently moved some rock around and you can see the coraline on different spots. Will this green algae go away and be replaced with coraline.


Active Member
Are you using a skimmer to remove excess proteins?
And how often do you feed?
Algae outbreaks can be caused by too much protein in the water, usually from overfeeding.
Try cutting down on the food for a week or so to see if the growth slows or stops.
You can pull off the green hair with your hands to get rid of long clumps so you can see the results better. (easier to see difference if the hair is short rather than long)


had it bad in a 125g did all that stuff every one said and the thing that i
think worked for me was manualy removeing lr piece by piece scrubing and
rinsing in sw makesure you rinse in seperate bucket .and increase cleanup crew.
if u dont have any corals yet i would suggest of trying to turn off the lights for a couple of days.also cut down on feeding maybe every other day. i know they always seem hungry dont they. also get emerald king crab they chomp on algae atleast mine both of mine do. i as well have a 28g


Active Member
Phosphate magnets work if you have green hair due to excess phosphates. If you do not have excess phosphates it will not have an effect. Test for it before you treat for it, then adjust your skimmer.


New Member
Originally Posted by bracebldrs
had it bad in a 125g did all that stuff every one said and the thing that i
think worked for me was manualy removeing lr piece by piece scrubing and
rinsing in sw makesure you rinse in seperate bucket .and increase cleanup crew.
I had to do the same thing when I first started into salt then stay on top of your water quality


One tip, if you have a blennie, make sure you know what rock he is in. It is no fun trying to catch them the in muck of the water change bucket.


I just had a big problem with my live rock and I took it out and scrubed it with a tooth brush like explained before.....Hasn't come back yet....I think this is the easiest and best way for a quick fix.....All the other suggestions can help prevent it from happening again.....


New Member
I say get a skimmer if you dont have one. I know they are expensive, but I just recently figured out they are worth every penny. I had some hair algae, but lots of slime algae. Within days its all gone!