HELP..Green hair algae??

reef dude

My tank has about 60 lbs of LR in it and i am putting in 45 more lbs tonight. However i just noticed on the bottom the tank, growing up through the sand are tiny little green stalks 1-3 cm high. They are pretty thin. They look almost like a moss or thin grass. Is this green hair algae, i heard that its like the worst for your tank?


green hair algae can be a real pain in the you know what, but with is not the end of the world. Best way to prevent it, is have ZERO phosphates. If you are not testing for phosphates- get a kit and test for it. Green hair alge feeds on phosphates. If you are doing water changes with tap water, that is the most likely source of phosphates. If you are using city water, they put phosphates in the water to help prevent your body from absorbing dangereous metals like lead.
Anyway- if you do have high phosphates, weekly 10% water changes with RO/DI water would be my suggestion, you may want to cut your lights back to about 6 hrs a day, and make sure to keep monitor your PH/ALK. Dose with some sort of calcium supplement to give the coraline alge something to feed on-- keep your calcium levels around 400-450. also- watch what you feed-- some foods have phoshates in them-- check the label.
also, an algae blenny will go to town on hair algae, expecially when is isn't too long.