Help guys ! Lost my Niger all of a sudden, and my Bluethroat is acting weird



Hey guys
. Not doing so well. As you know my tank has been through a lot since of January of this year. You can check the thread out, under 220 tank diary. I lost my Niger, which I had since Dec.2008. He was doing fine and eating like a champ. The only thing that I noticed was has mouth had a little scar, that all. I am very sad about his lost. Now I noticed that my bluethroat is very thin on the top and on the bottom, like its caved in. I don't know if its because of lack of nutrition -? Maybe because of all the stress, because of no rocks since Jan -? Or because of the Cupramine -? Help me out guys, please
Thanks !


I 'll charge my camera up, and get one, in a hour. Thanks


Active Member
Yes, I can see it in the pics. What was he eating prior to all this (you said he was eating good)?


Ok, now here's my opinion and I know some people disagree with me. You can't feed 100% pellets to triggers. These are not pellet fish like clowns or tangs. They need some meaty foods at least once a day... stuff like raw shrimp, squid, silversides, clams. Hang a piece of raw shrimp or squid on an algae clip and let them work for it, it's also good for their teeth. Drop a slightly opened clam and let them work on getting the stuff out. Triggers also need to be fed a couple of times a day, so maybe feed pellets once and a meaty food the other time. All 3 of my triggers also like to eat nori that I put for my other fish.
It could be a matter of nutrition. Not sure about the Niger... was it looking thin? A simple cut won't kill a trigger.

crypt keeper

Active Member
+1. That guy has a nutrition issue going on. You cant eat the samething everyday. Your fish cannot either. Frozen mysis shrimp frozen squid. Get raw frozen shrimp from the grocery store. Stick them in there shell and all.


I just noticed that your bluethroat has its tail closed in all the pictures. While it's normal for it to hold its tail like that sometimes, it's not ok if it's like that all the time. Could also be another problem. What are your readings, especially nitrates, ammonia and nitrites. Are you testing the copper level often?


Active Member
I feed my Triggers a Niger Bursa and a Huma huma a varitey of foods. They get Whole head on shrimp called I have a great source near me that I can get them for under 4 bucks a pound. Krill of course Squid Octopus sliversides nori mixed into the squid frsh cracked clams makes mine go into a frenzy and Pellets. That and Mysis and marine Cusine and Trigger Formula that way they get the Urchin they need.


I would do a few things irredgardless of whats going on...
do a few repeated water changes, maybe like 20% the first time, then wait a few days and do another 15-20%, you need to make sure your water quality is pristine, regardless of whether your test parameters are all good.
Next , I would add carbon or purigen or a polyfilter to the water just to make sure you dont have anything going on a chemical agent
you trigger appears to have clamped fins
are you still dosing w/ copper? if so- you need to monitor it frequently if not daily.
Finally, you should consider feeding this fish differently. Pellets are convenient but they are not plankton, these triggers your choosing are planktivores and require meaty food, as well as good supplementation. I would rotate thru mysis cubes, shrimp chunks, and any saltwater fish meat you can buy at the grocery store and cut into tiny chunks. Pellets are supplements


Active Member
Agree with several people thus far...I would like more info, you have been without rocks in the DT since January?
I know you had the ick but we are talking over 16 weeks without rocks, are you still dosing copper and if so why? Are you still in Hypo, and if so why?
Like Marini said, you need some big water changes, and gradually, but quickly get the rocks back in the system. The Bluejaw looks horrible, and you lost a Niger. I would consider a Niger all but bulletproof, what did the Niger look like before he died? Like others have said these guys need meaty diets to go along with the pellets, they can be trained to eat pellets, but they are not omnivores, they are carnivores. Load him up with selcon/Zoecon infused mysis, table shrimp, squid, clams, etc. asap.
I agree with the others, pictures are fuzzy, but you can clearly see he is too thin. I feed mine a variety of feeds, from pellets to algae sheets, mysis, brine and other frozen varieties.
Good luck!!! try to fatten him up...

small triggers

Active Member
also, what the heck is going on with your sand? is that algae, cyno or???? What are your nitrate, nitrite, phos, ammonia and all the other spec? how much copper is still in the tank? and what are you doing with the rock,, is it still alive in another tank?