Help, has anyone heard or seen


Active Member
a peppermint shrimp molting the first night home.:notsure:
My daughter just freaked out because she found a white hull in the tank. it looks just like my shrinp, but empty.


molting on the first day is just a coencidence (man i have to learn how to spell) it happens every 2 months or so


Active Member
I got 5 peps from here a while back. When they got here one had molted on the way... all 5 were very healthy.
Mine seem to molt about once a month.


Active Member
do they hide for a while after. My Daughter said she saw it inside the sunken ship. my other one is out and about.


New Member
When shrimps molt do they like lay down almost or what? I want to get shrimps but I want to know what to expect when the molt so I don't think they're dead. Thank Ya!


Active Member
They'll molt in all sorts of locations..... I found the molt of 1 perched on a rock, just like he was still there. :D


I got my peppermint in the middle of Jan. and it molted the first night also. For some strange reason it has done that every 2 to 3 weeks since. I've found his "ghost" in some strange places.