i have had my bio cube about 6 months and the actinic light went out. so i orderd one at the lfs and its the whole top that is now i have to wait anather two weeks for anather NEW hood....i have one plate coral xenia and some star pollps. i also have one mushroom and some other like green pollps there is also one christmas tree coral in there , and...a feather duster. i have one cleaner shrimp 2 pjama cardnail fish one fire fish and one SMALL coral beauty.And a scooter blenny then i got a free green bristle star becasue he was in an agressive tank and something ate his legs off so the lfs gave him to me because i was the one that was appauld by it and couldnt stand to see him doing so badly. now he is growing back and doing great. BUT i have two questions...i do 2 water changes a week and use RO water from the lfs. i feed 2 times a week and i have SOOOO much hair algie that i can litterly take handfulls off things. i am constantly haveing to clean and work in it to get it off....but then 2 days later its thick and harry again. SO i guess i need advice on how to get rid of the stuff...i have by the way tried some hair algie remover stuff that you put in this bag and put in your filter...that didnt touch it. i have as i forgot to mention gotten an emerald green crab.I ALSO have about 10 hermet crabs and 8 nasirus snails and some other just reg snails and two bumble bee snails i did have a rainfordi goby but he didnt make it...he is the only fish i have lost. BUT will my corals be ok till the new hood comes from the pet store(they are giving me a new one)i still have the one compact 10,000 36 watt just not the actinic blue light... and HOW TO GET RID OF THE ALGIE.....PLEASE HELP ME I AM DESPRATE. I WOULD LOVE TO POST PIC ON HERE BUT I AM TOO ASHAMED WITH ALL THE ALGIE