Help Help Help Please


I was working at a pet store for a while and learned alot about salt water. but not enough. but I did decide to order a 29 Gal bio cube wich is just like a nano (the bio was on sale) it comes with everything that a nano does but Im concerned about the lighting. it has a moon glow but just a floressent light. I woul love to have corals but am having problems finding ones that will do well with the light that i have. can i have corals with the light? if so what kind? if not what cheap alternate route can i go? i also decied to go with the biocube because the nano will only go up to a 24 i wanted the bigger. i no longer work for the petstore and they themselves dont know as much about the coral as they do about the fish. but if someone could help me it would be awsome. i will began setting up the tank by the end of the month. MY FIRST SALT TANK. :help: i know all about getting the tank to cycle but am wanting to start saving for the coral...we all know how expenciave they are....or well a difrent light if needed......


I don't think that you will be able to keep many corals. I have power compacts and I could only keep hard corals.
this is how lights work from strongest to weaekest.
1. Metal Halide (MH)
2. T5
3. Power Compacts/ Compact Fluorecent
4. Fluorescent.
You need to read so much. I've been on this website everyday since december reading minimum of 3 hours daily and I still don't know half of what is to learn.


i know quite a bit but i dont know alot about the lighting. would it just be worth loosing maybie a fish and going with the 24 gal nano del? i have been working at the pet store for credit and have almost 200 saved up in credit. i still have a few days that they need me to work. so should i not worry about getting the 29 for its gal and get the 24 for its lighting? and thank you for your help. i sure do need all i can get.