
My puffer means the world to me! He got popeye and I've been treating him for two weeks with quick cure. It seems to look better (not 100% though) but he still is not eating his silversides which he loves. Any new advice is greatly appreciatied.


It may be that you are putting to much food in the tank creating the fungus , change some water and put new one and dispose of any food , pellets or flakes and its very important to add bacteria


One only but that is getting better slowly. Tge other one started but we did quick cure and it kept that one from doing it all the way. The nitrates were high so we did a third water change. I'm just worried because he won't eat. How do I add bacteria ? We moved three months ago so all my dish did get stressed but they all made it. Puffer was the only one with the problems.


They sell bottles filled with good bacteria that helps the fish's mucus and lowers the bad bacterias slightly


Well-Known Member
You need to post your problem in the disease (not fish discussion) section so Beth will see it.


Sorry but the infection could be caused by the food that falls to the bottom and creates bad bacteria creating amonia nitrates....etc


Well-Known Member
Popeye can be caused by damage to the eye, such as by using a net to move the fish, or even by scraping against a rock. I would remove the fish to your hospital tank (you do have one, right?), and treat it with a broad spectrum antibiotic. It is unusual for a fish with this problem to refuse food unless it has the problem in both eyes, and is completely blind. In that case, survival is doubtful. Get the nitrates down with water changes, and if it begins to rise again consider reducing how much you feed. Be sure to check on ammonium levels so that you know that the tank is not going through a short cycle, which will damage the fish. I have had fish recover from this, especially an emperor angel who lived for 5 years after even though he was clearly blind in one eye. When he died (during hurricane Sandy he was 15 years old, so don't give up on the fish.