help help help


New Member
i have a few questions?
i had a tank with an undulated trigger, huma huma trigger, niger trigger, foxface rabbit,snowflake morey eel, clown grouper, stars and stripe puffer, and a christmas wrasse. i got the grouper last and it started to get beat up along with the wrasse so i got rid of the undulated i thought it was doing this but now my wrasse looks to be in serious trouble his fins look to be eaten along with a spot on it's side that almost looks a chunk was taken out of it, and the puffer hgot a brown spot on him which then looked like a chunk was taken out of it but got like a white scab over it. does anyone have any idea what could be wrong also the wrasses mouth looks like it has a toungue sticking out of it and it will not eat and barely moves around
thank you


with the fish list that you have, don't just think undulate of the grouper, your huma huma or niger could be doing this to the fish. Its also a possibility with a foxface that it actually stung the fish. They are posionous and have the capability to do this, all though Ihave never seen this happen doesn't mean it wouldn't. Thats just my opinion what size tank is it? best of luck to the wrasse


First off: Way too many fish that don't mix in that tank. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just telling you what's going on. How big is this tank? Do you have a quarantine tank that you could put the wrasse in?
You might want to get the other triggers out. The huma huma probably took over where the undulate left off. Were it docile before, it wouldn't be after being exposed to a mean fish. The one you really need to worry about is the puffer. If the wrasse dies, as horrible as it will be, it won't damage the tank. The puffer could well poison your entire tank and kill most everything.
If you have anywhere to dump the triggers, I'd really look into it.
Another option might be the less obvious snowflake eel...dependant upon the size and how hungry/aggressive it is...
Again, how big is this tank?


New Member
all of the fish were fine until i put the grouper in then it seemed that everything went wrong. the grouper got beat up and the wrasse i have no idea what to do


The grouper was probably just the last happens a lot when tanks are over stocked, and unless you have a massive tank, that's what has happened. I'd suggest getting rid of some fish if it's possible. Although I'd like to say starting with the triggers, but I'd really look into getting a new home or a QT for the puffer on the chance that it could poison your tank. If that doesn't take the stress levels/aggression down, next I'd go to the huma huma. The niger should be fine, they're not typically aggressive, although when housed with really aggressive fish, I'd venture to say that it's still a trigger.
Again, how big is this tank? I'm not asking so I can jump all over your case, I'm asking so that I can give you accurate advice. If you don't have a quarantine tank, you may have to donate some of them to your LFS, or see if they will take the healthy ones in trade for store credit. If they were the ones that told you all of those fish would be fine together in your tank, you can probably get credit.