HELP! HELP! Please


Ok I asked advice earlier (week ago) and it was recommend that even though my water conditions were perfect I should go ahead and do a water change cause it had been over a month. I did every thing i was told... I let the water sit for 24 hrs with the salt. I heated it to about the same temp, salinity was a litter lower than my tank. Tank was 1.24 new water, 1.22 - 23
After slowly pouring water back into the tank it got all clowdy and I could nto even find my fish. What happened?? What did i do wrong???????? Will they Live??????? Please if anyone can help i need it.
I have two clowns by the way, .. and checked the salinty.. its still 1.22 to 1.23
:confused: :confused:


ok i will wait on it.. i think thats all i can do, but what do you think the cloudy ness is?? Is it salt or debre i stired up under the sand???
Thanks for your quick reply! :eek:


I would have to say that it really depends on your fish load that you have in the tank. If you have a lot of fish in a thirty gallon tank that could be why. Basically, when a tank becomes cloudy its the bacteria trying to reset itself from a heavy fish load (fish waste). After your water change those bacteria's should minimize.
Keep us posted! :)


Active Member
SIt tight. You probably have crushed coral which hasn't really settled in yet. This would cause the cloudiness. All will be fine if that is the cause. If not give us more detail so we can help. Good luck.


Active Member
sand and CC particles tend to get kicked up very easiliy and create cloudy dust storms until bacteria build up on them and weigh them down.
Probably adding the water kicked these up. You should be fine.
Saltwater that sits over night should be completely dissolved so that is not the cloudiness. Instant Ocean does this in minutes.
For the first couple months mine would kick up pretty quick, now even a powerhead falling in the sand bed only stirs it for a few minutes before it settles.
[ October 08, 2001: Message edited by: fender ]

mr . salty

Active Member
I agree with the others here..This cloud is most likly caused when you poured the new water in the tank,,Stirring up the substrate.Or kicking this debris off of the rock...If the water does not clear in a day or two,you may want to ask your LFS about a polishing filter.Or sutible filter pad for your filter...It will settle down,but I would try to filter it out of the water.Thus eliminating the possibility of this problem reaccuring...


Thanks guys for your help.. you are probably thinking I am obsesive about some things and a little crazy.
It has already started to calm down and looking clear again.
Thanks again!!!!!!
:D :p