Help help...


I have a chocolate star...and was told that if I keep him happy he will not eat anything in my tank...he ate some of my stuff...I'm going to take him back to the store..or make a take for him. Would it be ok if I put him in a bucket of saltwater with lid on it until wednesday? I soooooo dont wanna get rid of him, he is my favorite. I dont know what to do.


Active Member
Some information from Bob Fenner on Chocolate Chip Starfish.
"These are actually voracious eaters. More than one will be quite the bioload. They easily grow to 6 inches in diameter. They can be difficult to keep alive due to nutritional issues feed a variety of chunks of marine fish, shellfish, and crustaceans fortified with Selcon and vitamins. They are not reef safe--they will eat all sessile invertebrates and any mobile ones they can sneak up on and capture. Remember to acclimate over several hours. (Some starfish species, such as Linckia laevigata, need to be drip acclimated over 6-8 hours. All starfish require excellent and stable water conditions. All are very sensitive to fluctuations in pH, oxygen or salinity for example. They will also be harmed by excessive nitrate. Read as much as you can about them before buying. I've tried a lot of starfish over the past few years, and I've decided that most of them are best left in the sea. I would not recommend other species that you may come across in your research and shopping. Truth be told, the Chocolate Chips don't have such a great survival record themselves."


Active Member
Its not easy making one happy if you dont have the algea that they need to keep them fulfilled, unless they accept spot feeding. If I am not mistaken they get rather large and their reqirements are large too. They eat meaty foods so they should be able to be spot fed but from what I have read they are typically reserved for fish only tanks. Not sure about the bucket of salt water I know they are sensitive to sudden changes. I suppose if you keep everything identicle to your tank you would be ok. Good Luck


OK. I have been spot feeding him every 2-3 days. He comes to the top of the tank, puts his arms back and i put it on and he eats it. He has just been moving around more...wanting to eat things that I dont want him to eat. Think he is going to go back to the LFS. I wanna get me some coral...and dont want that to be $$ food. lol


Active Member
Good decision.. I dont know if they will feed on coral but their size alone IMO they could hurt one if it happened to crawl over the top and reside there for a while or topple it over.


Active Member
Good decision I think. I always listen to Mr. Fenner when he says "I've tried a lot of starfish over the past few years, and I've decided that most of them are best left in the sea."


now for the bucket....If I did a water change, putting the water in a bucket and placed the star in the bucket with a lid, it would be ok for a day or so..wouldnt it?


Cool..thanks, ill put a little pump in there and the temp always stays im good there.. Thanks a bunch for all of your help...hope he dont eat all my stuff today while im at I have had him for a few weeks now, he is just starting to do this.
Thanks again