help!! his eye!!! it's peeling!!! help!!! asap


Active Member
man .. wtf.. it's 12;10 pm and i just looked at my tusk... i just cured him of a fin eating parasite... he got better.. and was put back into the main tank.. now .. i see him and 1 of his eye is torn up.. it dont look like it's blind but it is bad.. it had a peice of 'eye skin/flsp' hanging.. i think my lunnare bullied him and he scratched hid eye on some lr.... how do i cure it??? .. what med? and all info plzz...
155 gal BF
all perimeter is good... except nitrate at 20% or so... i have it on my plans to do a WC tomarrow... and y is my lunnare kicking the tusk's ass so much??/.......


Staff member
Can you post a picture of that? It sounds to me like the problem may not be fin-eating parasites or eye disease, but aggression in your tank.
What else do you have in the tank? Was the fish doing fine in the QT, or recouperating, and suddenly bad again as soon as he returns to the display?


Active Member
hum.. well thought i made it clear that my lunnare wrasse was the culprate of the injury in my last post.... anyhow. i dont have a camra to snap a shot with.. i got mad at the lunnare wrasse and took him out.. so now my tusk is in da main display and the lunnare is in a 10 gal for temp untill i know how to cure his eye... .. let me explain the eye best i can... his eye as of today is getting a lil cloudy ... there is a rip in his eye.. about ( > ) that big.. it looks kinda like that too.. it's just sticking out of it's eye... he dont seem to be blind in it or anything but still ..... i want it cured. anyhow.. i had my tusk and wrass in the same tank for about 1 month and then the tusk got sick with a fin parasite.. i cured him and he was back to normal... i mean completely cured and good.. then i turned off my lights 2 hr early and waited till my lunnare went to sleep. then reintroduced the tusk to the tank... next morning i wake up look at tusk and all way good... evening i come back and look that he got beat up..i know it was the lunnare that did it ..lunnare was always the bully but never hurt anyone untill now.. anyways.. can i do anything to help my tusk??.. he cost me a lot of $$ and he is a very beatiful fish... i wanna help him.. but how???


Staff member
I would take the wrasse to the LFS for some credit, and then return the tusk to the hospital tank for treatment. I think the eye is going to need to "self heal" to whatever capacity it can. You can add Maracyn Two for Saltwaterfish to prevent infection and also that med has Vit B complex which would be a good boost to the fish's immune system.
Optimize feeding quality and quanty and add zoecon to meaty foods.


Active Member
yeah.. the wrasse in inside then qt right now.. imma give him to my nefew for his 150 gal.... he has 1 5''

trigger... think it will be ok?? and guess back into the ht he go's... soo sucky.. thx guyz for the help....