Help! Horseshoe crab and water current


Thinking she was doing a good thing, my sister brought me 3 sails, 2 red legged hermits, a cleaner shrimp, and a scarlet crab. I thought this was all she was bringing, but she surprized me with the horseshoe. I hadn't planned on this one. He's cute and all, but everytime he tries to swim, he goes upside down, and if he goes up too far, he gets caught in the water current from the ph and flies. Is this normal? Will he learn not to go up? Being a crab, shouldn't he want to stay down? Everything else seems fine...I'm just worried about his stress level...this can't be fun
In addition, she brought seaweed sheets. How, exactly, do these go in? Is there some way to anchor them in place?


the aglae sheets you can rubber band them to a rock or get a clip to hold them in place.
as far as the horseshoe crab i would try to get the store where she bought it at to take it back and let her pick something else WITH you. they get way to large for most tanks in the hobby and can cayse a lot of problems later down the road and I think the getting thrown through the tank probably isnt good for it either.


Active Member
For the algae sheets you can use an algae clip that sticks to the glass or you can tie the to a piece of lr with some nylon string or fishing line or use a rubber band.


No Fear, The Horseshoe Crab Does Swim Upside Down, And The Ride Through The Currents Is Actually What They Enjoy, When They Come Above Sand In The Ocean The Love The Currents And Ride Them Frequently. They Will Get Big, But They Are Very Slow Growers And Will Help You Tremendously Keep Your Sand Bed Turned Over, I Have Had One In My 120 For Almost 6 Mos. Now And He Seems To Love It, He Even Comes Out During Feedings To Try To Get Some Brine From The Top And Has A Nose For The Feeder Dish. If Your Tank Has Room For Him He Should Fit In And Be A Welcome Addition, Besides That They Are A Blast To Watch!!!!