HELP: How can I tell if my toadstool is dead


New Member
My toadstool has not come out (tenticles) in over 2 weeks. As a result, I have brown algae covering it and it is a dark bron. Today it started to slump over and the stalk is starting to wrinkle. What can I do to save it. All you help is appreciated. I currently have 192 watt powe compact.


I am having the exact same problem. My hardiest toadstool hasn't come out for a good while. A few suggestions you may try (which haven't worked for me yet) is water change w/ RO water and adjust light/water movement. Also check for aiptasia or other predators. Let me know if anything works for you.


Active Member
If you wanna know if it's actually dead you can do two things which should be pretty accurate. Check for ammonia...if levels are up it's most likely rotting....but an easier way....lift the coral to the surface of the water and then lift it out of the water a couple inches and smell it....if it smells like $h*T then it's dead.


Active Member
I am by no means an expert, but i just got a toadstool, and it also turned brown and then slumped down (it came that way actually, due to problems in shipping). It was very dead, took my tank a few days to get over the dead matter in the tank. I wouldn't just be optimistic on this one, I'd do whatever you have to do to see if it is dead (i touched mine, and it's flesh just fell apart, that's when I was sure it was dead)


How long have you had the toadstool?
Have you had any recent additions to your tank?
What is the temp of the tank?
Are you running any type of phosphate remover?


I am having the same problem . Your question about phosphte remover got me thinking. I believe mine stopped comming out at about the same time I ran some phosphate remover. Now the coral was near the water return and I recall that because I did not wash it right some powder cloud did get into the tank and disapeared. Why did you ask the question about phosphate remover ? Do you thinkl what I described was the cause?


Sometimes a toadstool can be closed for 3-4 weeks. If it does not melt in your hand then it is still alive. Put the piece next to a powerhead to blow the brown algae off of it. You may have to do this a few times a week. It also produces a slime layer that will sloth off by waves in the ocean but in a tank you have to do it for them.


saltaddict - I have not only heard of phosphate removers causing problems with leathers I have experienced the same with them as well as using the polyfilter which has a phosphate remover in it.
Temp can have an effect as well.


Well mine has been closed for about 3 to 4 weeks now. It's not melting but has shriveled up some. It's been close so long that algae both green and coraline are starting to cover it. I will try to rub the stuff off to see if anything helps but this was one of my largest corals and it has been slowly shrinking while everything else thrives. I only ran the phosphate remover for 3 days. Shortly after that it stopped openning. Anything you did after the fact to get yours back to health?


No mine is not back to health, honestly I don't even know why its haning on, its a nub now and been so for over 2 months. Ive brushed it off, checked all water parm's, ordered new lightbulbs, checked base, stems... then all of the sudden it will puff out a little for now reason, then back to the nub look. I'm either thinking heavy doc's, or the phosphate remover or polyfilter. I do have a flatworm outbreak as well as some hydroids but I do not think they are affecting the leather.
Grrrrrr:mad: Grrrrrrrr.