HELP!!! I can t get my pH to balance or my nitrogen cycle to start!!!!


I have a 24g Aquapod that is saltwater and reef ready. I have added 10lbs of live rock and 20lbs of live sand. I have had the tank for almost two months and have just added a couple damsels about 2 weeks ago. Two have died but one has toughed it out. The damsels were added to get the nitrogen cycle started and i have read everywhere that i should see the ammonia start to appear within the first ten days but i have nothing yet any suggestions??? I also believe that two of my green chromis damsels have died because of my pH and its instability. i have gone to my LFS, who are really smart guys, and they have instructed me to add Marine Buffer, and recently Kalk+2. i have done both as instructed and still my pH isn't at the level it should be. please help me i don't know what to do anymore and i want to start adding some more fish and corals.
I have included some photos:
1. Tank pre-fish
2. Tank with fish
3. Algae build up on gravel
4. Marine buffer additive
5. Kalk+2 additive



Sometimes you don't necessarily get an ammonia spike in your tank (albeit it rare). My question for you would be what type of water are you using. Generally I have found that the type of salt used to make the water can affect ph a lot. IF you buy crappy water from the fish store its can sometimes have a low ph. I'm not saying that you have a crappy lfs but I have seen that happen. What are all of your parameters. You may want to do a water change and then add a CUC before any more fish and what not. How long are your lights on?


Well-Known Member
Long before I knew anything about testing the water...I would set up my fish tanks and just wait about a month. Your rocks were in the tank and after 2 months your tank cycled while you were not looking.
Now your job is to tweak your system to have the best water quality as possible. Do water changes, no more than 20% at a time and use buffer or calcium additives as needed. ALWAYS test before dosing anything.
Build your stock slowly to not over load the good bacteria that keeps the tank inhabitants healthy.
Happy Reefing!
Your damsel may have died because its tank mate killed it. Damsels are very aggressive and territorial.