I have a 24g Aquapod that is saltwater and reef ready. I have added 10lbs of live rock and 20lbs of live sand. I have had the tank for almost two months and have just added a couple damsels about 2 weeks ago. Two have died but one has toughed it out. The damsels were added to get the nitrogen cycle started and i have read everywhere that i should see the ammonia start to appear within the first ten days but i have nothing yet any suggestions??? I also believe that two of my green chromis damsels have died because of my pH and its instability. i have gone to my LFS, who are really smart guys, and they have instructed me to add Marine Buffer, and recently Kalk+2. i have done both as instructed and still my pH isn't at the level it should be. please help me i don't know what to do anymore and i want to start adding some more fish and corals.
I have included some photos:
1. Tank pre-fish
2. Tank with fish
3. Algae build up on gravel
4. Marine buffer additive
5. Kalk+2 additive
I have included some photos:
1. Tank pre-fish
2. Tank with fish
3. Algae build up on gravel
4. Marine buffer additive
5. Kalk+2 additive