HELP...I found one Bubble Alage...


I found a bubble alage on my glaxia, I took it out of the tank to take it off and it popped, out of the water. I tried to remove it all then put it back into the tank. Why would I get this? My water levels are near perfect? Is this really bad?


Hey, I'm no expert but I had this happen to me with some live rock...
From what I have researched and read...this stuff will spread like wildfire if it bursts in your guess is it would be possible for it to have spread from another piece of live rock in your tank, or it was already growing to begin with just not visible....I had a few signs of bubble algae on my live rock....I pulled out any pieces with present bubble algae....carfully removed it whole....rinsed it with tank water, and placed back in the aquarium...I havent had problems since...


There is nothing 'wrong' with your tank,bubble algae is very natural and quite common in most tanks. I sure hope you rinsed the rock off with tank water before you put it back in your tank. In the future dont panic and tear the rock out of your tank. Go down to your local drug store and buy a fine gauge syringe. With the plunger fully depressed stick the needle into the bubble and suck the liquid out of it leaving the skin of the bubble. it will dissipate and trouble you no longer.


Active Member
emeralds seem to help spread bubble algae as much as they help eat it. the syringe idea is genious, but i also hope the OP rinsed off the algae as much as possible--otherwise that advise is going to be insanely useful


I guess the debate is whether emeralds will end up popping the bubbles when they are in their reproductive stage or just eating them, is that it?
I've also heard that emeralds can get aggressive (as can any crab, they're all omnivores at heart) when they get larger. I have one in my tank now, especially since I only have a clown. If he got bigger or meaner, he'd probably get banished to the sump or fuge.