help i got some bad red slime promlem please help.


New Member
i realy need to know why i got this red slimall over my tank.
i check my ph, calcium, and its all perfect, but i got algea growing like crazy[all kinds of it red, green, orenge,its even koveryng my coral line algea]. im using a 110 watt power compact and a protien skimmer that is good for a 120 gollon tank for my 20 gallon reef tank. i leave the light on for about 13 to 15 hours a day, is that why? you kant amagine, i got to skrape my rocks every day ,then the next day ,gess what its the same exact thing. all my stuf is coverd, even my coralbanded shrimp.does any one know what can i do please save my tank.


Wow that sounds nasty. Tomorrow dont turn on your lights and after that Keep your lights on for about 6 houres a day. On Sunday keep your lights off again. Now Monday and every day Give it 8-10 hours of lighting. Try less feeding and keep your temp at 76-78 degress. You will notice a differnce. What ever is left scrub off with a new toothbrush.
Good luck to you bud!
Oh yeah you could even use a timer. I do. I got it set from 10am-6pm. I find it easyier like that.


There is a product called "chemi-clean" that you can buy to eradicate the red algae. It is the ONLY reef safe product that I have found. I treated my 300 gallon reef system and refugium with it and had no ill effects at all. If you can get some chemi-clean, use it and follow the directions very carefully. When in doubt, use less rather than more.....and make sure before, during, and for several days after treatment to put an airstone in the tank as this threatment depletes the oxygen in the water and you do not want to suffocate your tank. It takes a couple of days but you will see the slime dissappearing and your tank will be restored. It's well worth the few dollars you spend to eradicate the slime. I battled it for months before I discovered this product....and I tested it on a 50 gallon system before using in on the big one so I know it's safe as long as you follow the directions.
Also - I agree with the previous post - it does seem that your lights are on for quite a long time - you may want to cut them back - that will help with the other types of algae, as chemi-clean only seems to affect the red.....
Good luck!


Like you I use to have the red slime on my sandbed in my 20 gallon tank. All I did was cut my lights back from 10 hours a day to about 5 or 6 hours a day. Wait until all the red slime was gone, then start adding more time gradually until I reached 8 hours. My lights are now on for 8 hours and I havn't had anymore cyano. I personally wouldn't keep my lights off all day long, especially if you have corals. It may not hurt anything to cut them off all day but I don't think I would. :happyfish
Also, I would try cutting back your lights as mentioned above before trying any chemicals. Though the chemical may or may not kill your fish/inverts/corals, I would think that it would surely stress them out. Just my opinion though.


I had the same problem and used ultra life reef products red slime remover. it worked great, but made my skimmer go crazy. I just shut it off for a few days.