Help! I have no idea what is wrong!


This is really making me so mad!!!!!!! I have spent a lot of time and money and I can see it's all going to be for nothing soon because I can't start all over again! I have a 75 gal. I put lr and ls in a long time ago. Everything was great. It cycled and my lr was turning purple and doing great. Now my lr is turning brown over the purple. I went out and bought snails and they will not stay alive! My crabs won't move either. My fish are fine and my sally light foots are fine and my horseshoe crab is fine. I have a blue hippo, royal gramma, and a clown fish. My PH is 8.3, ALK is 3.2 (maybe a little less), Ammonia is .25,Calcium is high,nitrate is 30, nitrite is 0, salt level is 1.024. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't see anything wrong!!!!! Help!!!!!!! It's driving me nuts!


Active Member
Your ammonia is to high. Make sure you have removed everything that has died. And then get the ammo problem under control before you add anything else. Do some water changes to get the ammo under control. Is you ammonia still raising? If so you may consider using an ammonia neutrilizer and water changes before it get high enough to kill others.


What are you using to replace water? How much circulation do you have in your tank? How many fish do you have in your tank? Ammonia should be zero in an established tank. There's definitely something wrong but hopefully with enough info someone can help you out.

cap'n pete

I agree, definately too high ammonia levels. Your nitrate is too high too. How often do you do water changes and how much? Are you being careful not to overfeed?


Active Member
Test your sourse water for ammo. And be prepared for a nitrite spike after the ammo spike has gone.


Thanks!!!! My ammonia has been thst same way for a very long time. It doesn't go up or down. I just took my water in to be tested and they said the water is perfect so I don't know if maybe I am reading it wrong or if it is high. I would guess it's high because something is wrong with these things! Thanks so much.

ed r

If the LFS did not goof in testing, your ammonia reading must be zero. If not, they should have told you that your water was not ready for any creatures. Assuming it is zero, you need a different test kit. That is a critical reading that you cannot ignore. Is it safe to assume that your crabs are not killing the snails? That is not unusual. I avoid crabs now. You said the crabs were not moving around, so it is not likely they were killing the snails. Can there be any copper in the water? That is very hard on snails and crabs. Have you ever medicated the tank for a fish disease with anything? Is your replacement and top-off water RO/DI? If not, your tap water can be a source of many very bad things including copper, phosphates, nitrates, and others. Dying snails are a bad sign. Something is wrong with the water quality. Brown algae growth is normal in certain stages of a tank's maturation. But without snails to keep it under control, it may not be a short phase. The high nitrates foster algae growth. If you can get those down, it would help. Your alkalinity is very low, but I doubt that it is causing the problem.
See if any of these things seem to fit your situation. Good luck.


Thank you so much for your help!!! My water is not RO/DI. It's the one thing I have not done. I am using tap water. I do have to learn how to do the water changes the way I should. I'm sure I will have questions on that next! I will try to figure this out before it is too late!!!! I hope I do! With all the help I'm sure I will! Thanks!


How long are you aclimating the snails? they are not hardy at all and need to be aclimated over a long period of time. I aclimate mine for an hour and a half. if not then they just die the next day. also, make sure the temperature isnt too high, that could cause snail deaths but not effect the other critters much, could cause lethargic crabs too... I do agree that the amonia is a problem. that is probably the biggest problem.


Active Member
It is not uncommon to find ammonia in tap water. Some water systems actualy add it in. I would take some tap in and have it tested.


it might be something in the water... like copper maybe? maybe that's why your snails are dieing? just another haven't used any ich treatments in the tank, right?


Interesting b/c my ammonia has sometimes climbed to .25 b/c of the bio load and over-feeding (just reduced the bioload by one Purple Tang) feeding less also.
Anyway, I've not lost a fish, snail or hermit. My Ammo and Nitrite are back to zero and I'm planning on adding some snails and hermits next weekend if levels are good. Hmmmm someone say they avoid the crabs? I have about 10. Should I get all snails then? I was going for a few small crabs as well (scarlets, carribean blue leg, zebra...) for clean-up. My hermits have never bothered my snails... yet... but maybe with the decrease in feeding?


if the crabs have "shell envy" like mine did, then they will kill to get the shell on them. Mine used the shell for a day then tossed it. (crazy because i have a lot of turbo shells...) it could also be because you did not acclimate the snails enough, they need a extra long time.


Hi again. Just thought I would let everyone know what I've done so far. I did a 50% water change last night. Didn't do any good. The water looks good but the crabs and snails won't move. I talked to another fish store that was wonderful and they think (like some of you have said) that I probably have copper or something from my water in there that is only killing the crabs and snails and not the fish. So, I put a couple carbon inserts in my sump. I didn't have them on. I used to and my tank was good. I hope this is it!!!! I want to have some corals and I'm to afraid with things not living.


How are you preparing your tap water when you add/do a water change? You stated that your calcium is high. What level is your calcium? As far as copper you can buy test kits to chech for that? Also try a different test kit for ammonia or have another LFS test it for you.