Help! I Have Tiny Hairy Balls Covering My Tank


I have millions of tiny balls that have tiny little hairs on them.Are they snail eggs or some sort of parasite.If so a parasite which one and how do i get rid of it. attached is a fuzzy image of the little thing(sorry so fuzzy camera wont focus on something so small)



Active Member
looks like a hydroid jellyfish to me, usually a phase that passes quickly, they can sting your fish. watch your parameters keep them in the norm and make sure you have hi flow and they will die off quickly.


Active Member
Tiny Hairy Balls............. UHhhh ... All I can Hear is Bevis and Butthead laughing........ Sorry , I just had to say it.


Originally Posted by ifirefight
Tiny Hairy Balls............. UHhhh ... All I can Hear is Bevis and Butthead laughing........ Sorry , I just had to say it.

On the main page thats all it says....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Allterr
I was gonna make a joke......

ur not the only one..

i th ought it was spam


I thought so too. When I first noticed the thread I thought it just said
"Help! I Have Tiny Hairy Balls"
and I couldn't help but LOL.


Active Member
it was so hard to actually answer rather than just type
"so does my cat"
I was laughing the entire time


Active Member
Oh what to say.....the possibilities are endless. Things you would never say to a girl you just met.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vpotts28
Oh what to say.....the possibilities are endless. Things you would never say to a girl you just met.

i love this thread. which is soon to be closed.. (i bet)


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109

i love this thread. which is soon to be closed.. (i bet)

I'm quite interested to find out what it is though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vpotts28
I'm quite interested to find out what it is though.
i know, who wouldnt wanna click on it.. (sarcasticly...)