Help!! I need some good advise


New Member
I have a niger trigger that had a white growth on his chin and white stuff in his mouth. I treated him in a QT for one week with Marycin II. I then treated him with Marycin I for an aditional week.
Everything seemed fine so, I put him back in my display tank. He has it again. He is eating fine and not darting around.
What should I do and what the hell is it?


Staff member
He obviously had an infection....thus the good response to the Maracyn, however, you probably did not treat with the correct dosage.
For maine fish, it is double the pkg dose recommendations of Maracyn2 for Saltwater fish. The instructions tell you double the first day...just continue that dose for the duration of the treatment. Be sure to maintain optimum water quality in the tank. When I use antibiotics, I usually do a water change, or use carbon filtration for a couple of hrs just before I apply the next medication dose. Discontinue the carbon before redosing.
Maracyn is not generally effective.