Help!!!!!!! I Think He Is Eating My Coral!!!!



I picked this guy up as a hitchiker on my LR. At first I saw him eating my hair algae. But recently he has found his way on top of my corals
. Every new coral I place in the tank I see him on it. He only comes out at night. My other corals are fine but my frogspawn hasn't been doing to well. I hope he is not eating it
. I noticed him about a month ago and he was much smaller. Today I took out what I thought at the time his dead carcas when I was cleaning the tank, but I came across him messing with my frogspawn tonight. I took some pics so can anyone tell me if he is dangerous
. He looks like an emerald crab but red. Let me know what you think.
Attachment 199356
Attachment 199357
Attachment 199358



Boy it sure looks like a Emerald crab but red and sure looks like he getting a tast for the FS. I would try and get him out and put him in the sump.


I just researched this crab and I think it is a red mithrax or ruby crab. From what I read it is supose to be reef safe like the emerald. Does anyone have any experience with this crab? I need as much info as I can get. I will try to get him out for now, but everyone knows how difficult that is. I also took a look at my frogspawn and it looks fine. I don't know what he was doing up there.


Active Member
it was probalby cleaning.
as with any other mithrax, they can become predatory, but are predominantly scavengers. mine went into the fuge when he broke skin pinching me.


Thanks for the reply, but I took the little devil out. He tried to make a getaway with my new xenia frag that I placed in the nano tank. I was able to take it away from him before he slipped into the rock. He is now in my 75 gal FOWLR.


Thanks for the reply, but I took the little devil out. He tried to make a getaway with my new xenia frag that I placed in the nano tank. I was able to take it away from him before he slipped into the rock. He is now in my 75 gal FOWLR.