Help!!!! I Think He Is Eating My Coral!!!



I picked this guy up as a hitchhiker on my LR. At first I saw him eating my hair algae. But recently he has found his way on top of my corals
. Every new coral I place in the tank I see him on top of it. He only comes out at night. My other corals are fine but my frogspawn hasn't been doing to well. I hope he is not eating it
. Today I took out what I thought was his dead carcas when I was cleaning the tank, but tonight I saw him picking at the frogspawn. I tooks some pics so, can anyone tell me if he is dangerous?
Attachment 199359
Attachment 199360
Attachment 199361



Active Member
Don't know about that one but I have caught two eating the polyps off of my SPS coral and banished them to the fuge.


This morning the frogspawn opened up ok doesn't look like there is any damage, but I saw him on top again tonight. I tried to get him out with some dry seaweed but he just took it and ran away. I think that should keep him off my FS for now. Does anyone else have any knowlege with this red mitrax crab?


Active Member
Originally Posted by monsterM
It looks like an emerald crab but red.
There are varieties like that and are even sold. Im not too sure, but Im willing to say a stressed frogspawn + a red crab with really pointy claws = bad mixture. I say banish him to the fuge, if you have one. If not, the toilet.


Active Member
looks like a red mithrax crab. if hes irritating the coral that bad and you dont like it, then give it away or trade it to another hobbyist

coral keeper

Active Member
Its a red emerald crab and hes not dmging the coral. There is probably some algae around the torch and hes going after the algae. My emerald did the same to my torch.


I took the Red Devil out of my tank. I was going to keep him at first because I didn't see any damage to my frogspawn. But yesterday I bought a small xenia frag and just as i put it in the tank he came out and snatched it off the rock and almost made away with it. I was able to pull it away from him before he disapeared into the rock. So I got some dried seaweed and lured him out into the open snatched him out. He is in my 75 gal FOWLR now. Thanks for eveyones suggestions.