I paid $24. The shop that I purchased it from said it came as an extra and he wasn't sure. So he sold it as an unknown tang. I didn't try to cheat him or get a good deal, but I had a feeling like it was a vlamingi.
He's currently in a 150 gallon tank, and the odd thing is I recently purchased a Naso Tang, same size (approx. 2.5-3 inches) whom wasn't eating very well. The tank is full of caulerpa, several species. As soon as the Vlamingi was added the Naso started eating, and is currently pigging out.
I've read that the Vlamingi tend to be pretty mellow towards other tangs, has anyone had any personal experience with them? I know they get pretty big (but from what I've read about their personality as well as their looks, it's worth it) and honestly he's going to be a great excuse to get a bigger tank soon.