Help!! ID Please


New Member
I couldn't get a decent picture but I have these clear white tree-root looking things growing from my protein skimmer filter and now on a castle decoration I have in my tank. It's growing in clumps and has been getting bigger every day, its been there for about a week now. I don't want to rip it out in case it's something harmless. I also have a ton of white round or cylindrical furry things with tufts on the end that are growing everywhere, I've wiped some off the glass already but there's still more.


Yes the second is pineapple sponges, the first, I am not sure what they are, but I have them in one of my skimmers and they are fine.


Active Member
I'm trying to think of anything that would look like tree roots... a large group of sponges, sea squirts or tunicats....or maybe eggs..


The ones I have look almost like a snowflake, they radiate out from the center like roots. I don't think I can get a picture but I'll see.
Here are pictures, they have changed since last time I saw them.
These are in a cpr bak pak skimmer on a 10 gallon tank.
