help identify cool stuff in tank


i have marshall island live rock and i have green stuff growing out of it in circular form. looks like a plant or something? but cool circles, help? also, the same rock has a medium size shell which has opened up.. what should i expect from it? should i expect more of these sea shells?
thanks roggy :confused:


Active Member
with lr, you could have almost anything in the ocean, clams are very possible, and ther very well could be more, once i heard of somebody who got a rather large piece, which turned out was 85%(one and ONLY one) big clam, as for the other things, could be macro algae
look at this site, if you find it here, there is also plenty of info to followalgae


if u take a look over some time you will probably find lots of stuff on your lr my tank has been going for 3 months now and i keep finding new stuff growing or crawling everywhere :D :D :D


a guy on here has as is qoute, "Life is like a box of live rock, you never know wat you are going to get." I love that qoute. it is very true. I found some really cool things. I got a HUGE cucumber in a 35# peice onetime. he just moves my tank around. we call him "The Slug"