help identify growth in my tank


New Member
I have a growing number of light yellow, roundish growths on my live rock. They have a small clear tube protruding from each one. I'm guessing it's a tube for feeding. They feel kind of spongy. Any idea what these are, and do you think they're harmful ? I think I have something similar in my sump, but they're more or less colorless.


Originally Posted by BlueCrab
I have a growing number of light yellow, roundish growths on my live rock. They have a small clear tube protruding from each one. I'm guessing it's a tube for feeding. They feel kind of spongy. Any idea what these are, and do you think they're harmful ? I think I have something similar in my sump, but they're more or less colorless.
Bringing back message from the dead..... I have the exact same things... Any help????