help identify


Active Member
i need a identification.
its a black fish rather small
it has blue stipes on its face like the javaneese damsel but it dosent have that top and bottom fin like a damsel does.its over all body has a shape like a wrasse bass but it might be some kinda cleaner wrasse maybe?
if no one knows ill call the lfs and ask them cus they have one in their tank


Active Member
Springeri Pseudochromis,
thats what it is!!!
can someone give me some info on these neat little fish.


Common Name: Blue-Stripe / Springer's Dottyback
Species Name: Pseudochromis springeri Lubbock, 1975
Range: Red Sea
Size: up to 2 inches (5 cm)
Natural Environment: Inhabit heavy coral growth areas at depths between 6 to 180 feet (2 – 60 m)
General Husbandry: Prefer a temperature range of 75 - 80° F (24 - 27°C) and natural diet consist mainly of zooplankton and benthic crustaceans. May eat small shrimp and bristle worms. Feed meaty/freeze-dried foodstuffs. Will pester peaceful fish if kept in a small aquarium.


oh yeah, if you have shrimp, get it out of there... i found out the hard way that pseudos eat shrimp...


Active Member
here are some pics of it i identifyed it and here they are i think they are the coolest fish EVER


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
oh yeah, if you have shrimp, get it out of there... i found out the hard way that pseudos eat shrimp...

does a cleaner count i know its a shrimp but i mean if the fish was smaller then the shrimp, my cleaner is gettin big
and since today im going to buy 2 firefish i guess he wouldnt be a good tank mate with them huh but what about a 12 gallon?
it is a FOWLR (no inverts in there) just a tiny tiny b/g chrmomis
wait would he terrorize the firefish in a 29 gall.? i saw him in with one of those expensive gobies.. cant member the name! lol


Active Member
Bill, have you figured out what is wrong with your coral?
You shouldn't add anything until that problem is known and addressed.


bill, yes, a skunk cleaner shrimp counts as a shrimp... you should either remove the shrimp or the pseudo...


Active Member
Originally Posted by chickadee
bill, yes, a skunk cleaner shrimp counts as a shrimp... you should either remove the shrimp or the pseudo...
ok well i dont have one it was just a thought
and the coral is just about open it needs one more day it is poking out of the hole like its about to open


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
ok well i dont have one it was just a thought
and the coral is just about open it needs one more day it is poking out of the hole like its about to open
seems like in another of your post I just saw there was a pic of the unopened buttons and a cleaner shrimp on them..hmmm strange


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
seems like in another of your post I just saw there was a pic of the unopened buttons and a cleaner shrimp on them..hmmm strange

... :help: :thinking: :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
Your pic right?
yeah is there something wrong?
he hasnt bothered them at all but tht time cus they had some slime stuff on them from being in the bag?
Did i screw somethign up?

i feel ike such a bad person like yuo have a point and i dont know it


Active Member
I think the point is you are going too fast and you haven't figured out what's wrong with the coral but you're going to add something else anyway.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
I think the point is you are going too fast and you haven't figured out what's wrong with the coral but you're going to add something else anyway.
i just wasnt sure i know they may take a week or 2 but i wasnt sure soi asked one coral after buying my lights 2 months ago is too fast?

i wasnt planinng on adding anything if people said not to

the fish was an idea for later on so i knew what i was researching.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
i just wasnt sure i know they may take a week or 2 but i wasnt sure soi asked one coral after buying my lights 2 months ago is too fast?

i wasnt planinng on adding anything if people said not to

the fish was an idea for later on so i knew what i was researching.

How long has your tank been set up?


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
How long has your tank been set up?
just about 3 months now
a new lfs said he reccomneds at leat 3 monthsbefore you put corals in