Originally Posted by gordruls
I have had this fish for a long time and so far this is the only fish with this. I don't know how to post pics. The cluster of white covers 1/3 of the fish on one side. At this time fish is not eating but is active. I would remove him from the tank but I can't catch him.
if you cant remove him from your tank your only possible treatment is melafix and pima fix.I would use the melafix to start with and if no improvement in 24-48 hrs add pimafix with the melafix.you must remove active carbons b4 dosing.melafix has a broader spectrum of uses than pima fix alone.if using pimafix i suggest the melafix with it. ps do a wtaer change before dosing to ensure water quality do test prior to treatment.treatment is 7 days do water change then if needed you may redose for further treatments.mela fix and pima fix are natural products and safe for corals and inverts