Help!! Ill carpet


New Member
Hi, My carpet anemone is all of a sudden expelling ALOT of string like substance out, opening is puckered like kissing and the string is coming steadily out, In the last week he wouldnt eat as usual, is he on the way to dead? water looks good, 78, ph 8.2 alk good, nitrate .025, nitrite 0 salinity 1.025 all same as has been for the 8 months i have had him. Please anyone help if you know.thanks


New Member
nope, looks very healthy, but is all of a sudden deflating pretty rapid, is this maybe just something he does usually at night that I am seeing? he never deflates until after lights go out.


i would guess (since im no expert) that its the way it sleep
My rose bubble tipped anemonee deflates at night and closes but get out again during the day


they do this to replace the water in them and expell waste. it should be back to normal pretty soon if not then I would worry.
has anything fell on it or anything like that?


New Member
no, nothing has fallen off, no visible cuts in his foot, only the expulsion from the opening. all else looks good as far as i can see.