help im a beginner


geo the great

hello to all that reply im a beginner and im very interested in saltwater aquarium in the hobby i have been reading about the hobby some and it seems challenging i decided to buy a 125 gal. tank for my first saltwater tank so my question is intruct me to buy the right equipment im starting with a fish only tank first then when expirienced ill add reefs please include the merchandise brand name.


Active Member
if you are going to go reef later on, then the best advice i c n offer is to go fish only with live rock, the lr is excellent for filtration, hiding, decoration and to anchor your corals to
Excellent choic for tanks, it should be easy to maintian(incomparison to other tanks), plus you will have alot of possibilities for stocking as well
but for equipment, my advice is and has been to use 1.5lbs per gallon of lr(if affordable, if not there are other alternatives), and a dsb(deep sand bed) and no crushed coral, good circualtion(at LEAST 10 x gal. per hour, in your case 1250gph), and use plenty of powerheads to achieve this you want good movement everywhere in you tank, and a sump with a skimmer, lighting will depend on what exactly you intend to keep
for powerheads, i like hagen and maxi jets, you sump would be best built by you and for skimmerrs, i like aqua c's
would be to get a good test kit for
ph, calcium, alkalinity,ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate THESE ARE ESSENTIAL, and learn to use them properly(if you already do, i appologize, but as i mentioned this is a vital part)
one last bit of advice, be prepared to be patient, this hobby needs to move slow, otherwise, your fishes will not be healthy and happy
welcome aboard
HTH and good luck


Active Member
oh yeah, our lfs tried ot sell us a tester for freshwater, some of the tests will not work properly for sw, make sure it says that they are for sw on the box(esp. the calcium, theycan be expensive, and not ot work would pi.. me off)
welcome to the board. this is the right place to learn about the hobby. start off with ls, lr, lights, skimmer, sump.. there are lots of brands and equipment so it is hard to say but those are the basics. learn as much as you can from books and and if you have any questions there are hundreds here eager to help.