Help....I'm buying a tank already set up......


:thinking: I'm buying a tank already set up from someone on ----. The drive is about an hour from my house.
Questions for some experts----
For transport and the ability to carry the tank full of water,,,, should I take out half the water and keep it in someway in the truck or replace it with new water when I get home?
Any advice on transportation? The owner states he has only a couple of fish in the tank, I have not seen the tank but the pictures seem like I got a really good deal.
44 hexagon, stand, filters, a qt tank, accessories, etc... for $300. Tank is 2 yrs old.
Should I put the fish in the qt tank for transport?? Any and all advice is so much appreciated on how to get my new 'baby' home.
I am new to this venture and I love reading all the posts, while taking notes for my soon to be 'adoption.'
Thanks you folks are super!!!!!!!!! :cheer:


OK, if you really want to transport the water I suggest you get a couple rubbermaid container or better yet if you are using a truck for the transport a 44 gallon Brute trashcan. All of the water can go in there. You do want to try to move the tank with water in it. You really dont gain anything by keeping te old water unless you just want to use it to start a QT. There is very little actual bactieria in the water itself. As for the sand, scoop it out and toss it in a bucket. I would rinse it throughly before reusing it but I guess the bacteria in the sand will jump start your cycle. You didnt mention live rock so I assue there isnt any. If there is it can go in the trashcan as well. Any water loss will be a water change when you get home. Once home, rinse the sand IMO and add it to the tank, refill the tank with saltwater and start the cycle. As for the fish, I'd stick them in a bag in a bucket and tie off the top with an air pocket. I just moved a 220, went very smooth.


One more thought on this......
If there is any live rock in the tank, make sure you take it out of the tank before you move it to make sure it doesn't damage the inside of the tank when it tumbles over.
You really don't want to move the tank with any water (or anything for that matter) in it.
Just syphon out the water as suggested, then pick up the tank from the bottom only!
Don't want to put any undo stress on the seals of the tank.
Just my .02$
Good Luck!


Well this has been my experience. Twice I have bought established tanks and moved the contents. First time with a 29 gallon, and the second time with my 90 gallon tank. Each time I put the water in jugs or buckets, the fish in buckets, and the LR in buckets with some of the water. When I got home, I reset it all up with the water from the set up. After a couple of days, I did a water change. I removed everything from the glass tank each time to make it easier to move but I did not do any cleaning. The water settled down and became clear after about an hour or two and then I added the fish back into the tank. I was advised by my LFS to not make big changes or clean filters prior to the re-set up to keep it status quo for a few days. I believe this was the best way to make the move. I see that others have different ideas but I've done it twice without losing any livestock or starting a big cycle. Just my experience.....
Good luck!!


Should I shouldn't I worry about saving the water already in the tank? Or should I just say heck with it and keep enough water for the q-tank. I'm not quite sure what to do since I am new at this. Is it better just to start the tank off new and get my own live rock, sand, etc...
Although I am a bottled blonde, I am starting to feel like the real thing with all these questions!

Tell me.......... the bottom line........ what would you honestly do as your first tank?


:jumping: I just returned from petsmart to get some pre-tank supplies for my adoption pick up tomorrow.
I bought a digital thermometer, hydrometer, test kit, algae scrubber, bucket, nets,submersible heater, instant ocean, glass cleaner...
What else should I get before I pick up this tank???? I'm anxious and just want to be prepared..............
Any suggestions?? Thanks!


Active Member
I moved a 55 pretty much the way MrsTwig did. I would save all the water (its only a 45) transport everthing in buckets. Depending on how much sand there is I wouldn't bother taking it out. Just leave a layer of water over it. Put back LR (?) and slowly pour water in.
Moveing the tank, I used a pc of plywood a little bigger than the footprint of the tank and carried it that way. It helps keep it flat and will prevent it from "racking" and breaking the seal.
Start in the morning and the fish will be in there in no time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BorgataGal
:jumping: I just returned from petsmart to get some pre-tank supplies for my adoption pick up tomorrow.
I bought a digital thermometer, hydrometer, test kit, algae scrubber, bucket, nets,submersible heater, instant ocean, glass cleaner...
What else should I get before I pick up this tank???? I'm anxious and just want to be prepared..............
Any suggestions?? Thanks!
Good Job!
The hydrometer should be replaced with a refractometer. Hydro's are very inacurate and hard to get a constant salinity.
What test kit did you get? Most on here recommend Salifert kits (me) but there are others that work.
I would suggest (just my opinion) at doing a search about Instant Ocean on the boards. I'll let that be your call.......
What kind of tank is this FO (fish only) or reef? What do YOU want it to be?
BTW Borgata as in the AC Borgata?


I really want a reef tank....... I have read and reread these boards and many books the past month or more trying to get me 'ducks in a row.' I am a born planner and just want to attempt to do things 'right' the first,,, or second time. :)
I so much have fell in love with snorkeling in the Carribean in the past and I just want a piece of that in my family room after working a long day in nursing! I think these tanks are the most beautiful I've ever seen.
I'm just a little scared---- I guess scared isn't quite the word, just nervous. I am sure I will be hooked after tomorrow and will want five tanks in my house before it is said and done like all the folks on the boards.
Any other suggestions? I believe the tank has crushed rock/corral as the bottom. I really want live sand. What would you do? Should I get rid of the crushed rock all together or what? I've read where people have been disappointed by mixing the two bottom covers.
?????? Is this site a good site to obtain live rock and sand? Anyone ever dealt with them?
And yes,,,, Tim,,, the name BorgataGal is from my favorite home away from home.... The Borgata in AC. I love poker as much as I love salt water fish! :cheer: Have you ever been?


Active Member
Me and my wife have moved a few tanks inculding 2 125 gal tanks.An i would have to say we did it just like MrsTwig,but the only difference is we wiped down the tanks because 1 was just covered in red slime algea so bad you had to look through the top of the tank to see any thing.And we did get a tank with CC and we gave it to our LFS got a few bucks of store credit and just addded live sand.And like turningtim ditch the hydro get a refractometer,but if you have now might as well use it till you can get the refractometer.
Also before you break down the tank to move it.bring your test kit and do a water test and write it down.So at least when you get it all set up your not second guessing yourself that you have low salinity,ph high ammo ect.
And take your time, when you rush you break something or forget how to set it back up.take pics if you can.the more info you have before you break it down the easer its going to be to set back up.


Thanks.. I just found out the canister filter that is with the tank is a Fluval. Is this filter any good?
Would you put the couple of fish in the q-tank for the time being and just start the 40 gallon off with live sand/rock? What do you suggest?
Mrs. Twig had a good idea on saving all the water and setting it up without anything new for a week or so. Is this the best?


Active Member
Totally agree with misfit! Change out the CC now and get LS, DO NOT MIX THEM! Clean the tank very well and set up. To seed the sand you can place some of the CC in new nylons and put them in the tank. But didn't you say theres a QT? Also any LR in this deal? For a reef you'll need good lights, what did you get?
No need to worry! Just use common sence and as misfit said take your time and all will be well!
Keep the Q's coming you doing great! No worries!
I grew up about an hour north of AC and have a couple of family members that work for Trump down there. Hold Um player are ya?


Active Member
Fluval filters arent bad.But IMO I dont like them I had one,I have used rena's XP3 very nice filter,I like them a lot.My first tank was a used 120(thats the one that had the bad red slime algea).I cleaned the tank,kept all the rock in about 100 pounds of it in totes from walmart filled with water from the tank,set the tank up,added the sand,filled with water, set up filters, got tank up to temp,acllimated fish,and corals,and put every thing in,with no stressfull problems,just keep an eye on water quality and test daily,everything should go fine.but if you do have a QT you should probley want to put every thing in there.


I just bought a 90 gal yesterday off the big auction site, going to pick it up later this week. It has no lr, there is sand on the bottom. My question is,.......When I get it home do I set it up, order lr and more ls and begin my cycle right away? I will be gone for 10 days in the middle of April. Do I wait to set it up when I return. This has the filter system with bioballs and skimmer, it is a drilled reef ready tank from oceanic. I believe everything is there, all I have to buy is new water and salt.


When I purchased my 90gal used set up, the tank had been neglected. I saved as much water as possible. I put the live rock into 3 30gal rubbermaid trash cans with tank water and circulated the water with pumps. You could put the fish in the containers with water that is circulating. I put the sand into 2 rubbermaid containers with some of the water. The next day I cleaned & scrubbed and cleaned and scrubbed the tank. When I was satisfied with the cleaning I set the tank back up. First putting in the sand which I did not rinse. Then the live rock and some of the saved water then filled up with fresh mixed saltwater. There were no fish with my set up. Hope this helps.


Thanks Kim,
I just can't believe someone lets things go like this tank. What is sad is the three fish are the most active, healthy looking fish. So I feel the obligation to keep them alive, otherwise I would just say forget it,, well other words came to mind, lol :) and let them meet the tidy bowel man.
The tank has no live rock, per se, it has a large, I guess, it is called lava rock. The stone is just that, stones, I believe. It is still in the trashcan with the left over salt water.
I just took 10 gallons of the water removed from the tank and place it in the q tank. I then put some of the stones at the bottom and hooked up the hanging filter. I put in an airstone rock too. I am now heating up the water since it has gotten cold.
Do you think these couple of fish will make it in a 10 gallon tank for right now? I just want to be able to clean this 40 gallon up to my standard, etc.... Now should I disregard the old water in the giant trashcan or keep it? I have read where it is not a good idea to mix live sand and stone, so, I guess I might as well, bite the bullet, and order the live sand and rock and start my big tank off right, huh?? What do you suggest?
I'm so frustrated,, a six pack of corona is looking pretty darn good at this point.


Active Member
What kind of fish are they? If you're gonna start over yes the water can go. Mix some new stuff and slowly give the QT water changes. Don't mix the CC and sand, Yes bite the bullet.
The big rock you have whether lava rock or lace rock probably is live and would benefit in the short term for bio-filtration.
Any tests on the water?