Help - is this setup ok ?


New Member
I am an experience freshwater hobbyist making his first real venture into saltwater. I plan on starting a fish only saltwater tank with the following:
55 gallon tank
normal stock florescent lights
aqua c remora skimmer
two maxi-jet 1200 powerheads
enough live sand for 4" sand bed
uv sterilizer
as many fish/inverts as I can keep responsibly
Would I be ok with this setup, I may someday make it into a reef tank but for the next year at least it will be a fish onyl tank. Do I need a filter or will the deep sand bed, skimmer and uv sterilizer be enough. I know the sterilizer has to go if I make it a reef tank. Also what is a good brand/model sterilizer for this sort of setup ?
Thank you for any and all input


Active Member
If you include about 75 pounds of live rock you could probably go with out a filter depending on your stock.....but without I think you need a filter.