Help - JBJ NanoCube drain screen won't stay on


I don't know the technical name for it, but it is the piece of plastic that fits over the drain on the back wall of the JBJ that slides up and down. Mine will not stay on. Should I glue it on somehow, or go without it? I noticed today that without it there was a slight film on the surface of the water which doesn't seem good for oxygen exchange to me. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Mine seems to do the same thing.
Just make it part of the things you check on when you look at your tank.
It'll be fine :)


I would have to check it every five minutes. It will not stay on longer than that. :)
Any suggestions? Thanks!


Active Member
That's not suppose to fall off unless you turn the pump off and the waterflow no longer holds it in place.
Whats your water flow like in there?
Something is up......


Originally Posted by Cranberry
That's not suppose to fall off unless you turn the pump off and the waterflow no longer holds it in place.
Whats your water flow like in there?
Something is up......
I agree you need to make sure your pump is pulling enough through it. If there is something clogging or impeding it then there will not be enough suction to keep the skimmer in place.


New Member
just glue it on..
i had a 6 gallon nano cube and it wouldnt stay on like it was suppose to so i put a couple drops of glue and that was that =)


Active Member
I have 3 JBJ, 12g, 24, and the 28g. None of mine ever required glue. The turnover must be very low for some reason. I'd want to know why if that were me.