HELP!, Large Turbo Snail Died way in the back!


Active Member
Hello all,, i had a turbo snail all the way in the back of the tank on its back, i flipped it over but now its being covered by hermies,, so by a closer look its being munched on. It is in the way back and i would have to move many things around, coral, anemonies etc etc,, i have a 30g,, i am opting to try to have my tank absorb it,, will this work? and then just do some water changes,,, i cannot reach it to remove it,, i flipped it over initially by using a hanger, and that was a project.. THANKS


Active Member
sounds like your cleanup crew is doing its job, the impact of one snail dying should be minimul, if lots of them died then I would reccomend removing as many as possible, but one snail is just like a good sized pinch of food on the overall impact of the tank. I wouldnt sweat it.


Active Member
if the crabs eat most of it I wouldnt worry, but still moniter your levels, if you start to show any ammonia try and get it out. personnaly in my tank I know I could let one go but I dont know your tank well enough to say with 100% accuracy. If your really worried try to get it out.

tx reef

Active Member
I had a Coral Beauty die in my 55 gallon reef (jumped out of the tank, I put it back in and it didn't survive the night).
I never removed the carcass (behind rocks) and didn't have a spike (Amm., Nitrite, Nitrate) of any sort. I did do my regulary scheduled 6 gallon water change 2 days later....


Originally Posted by TX Reef
I had a Coral Beauty die in my 55 gallon reef (jumped out of the tank, I put it back in and it didn't survive the night).
I never removed the carcass (behind rocks) and didn't have a spike (Amm., Nitrite, Nitrate) of any sort. I did do my regulary scheduled 6 gallon water change 2 days later....

what happened to it? Did you have a skeleton floating around?

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by jdog5578
what happened to it? Did you have a skeleton floating around?

I never did see one.....


Active Member
A dead snail doesnt cause any noticeable effect in my tank. Neither do molts.
Even when I first got some chromis in my tank and one died, I found it being eaten by some hermits. Water params never changed and didnt see the skeleton either. I think the clean up crew eats it all...

freaky's reef

New Member
I have lots of snails die never had a problem. Just watch your peramiters and keep going, thats why you have a cleanup crew.