a&m '96
New Member
I've got a new 65 gallon setup that's been cycling for almost two weeks. It seems to have a layer of VERY fine material (dust, detritus, etc) on the surface. I thought I did a good job rinsing my coral skeletons, gravel, etc- maybe not. Anyway, this stuff is being pushed to one side of the aquarium by the filter return and the powerhead, and is easily seen when looking up to the surface from below. It doesn't seem to bother the 3 damsels in the tank, and the water in the tank is otherwise perfectly clear. I was wondering if any of you have had this problem, and what you did about it. Will the filtration eventually get it? I have a Eheim cannister filter and I've got a red sea prizm skimmer coming in the mail. Thanks for your advice!!!