HELP Leather coral dying


New Member
My Leather coral is not doing so hot.
I have had a Sarcophyton leather coral. It is the kind that looks like a toadstool. It was one of the first corals I purchased about three months ago. It did well until it fell on my Galaxia. It got stung and stayed closed for about 2 weeks after I removed it. It opened up, but didn't seem to stay open all day. It then had periods of 3-5 days when it would close down and grow a wierd off-pink skin-color film on top of it, with all the polyps closed. This would occur every week or so. I have recently noticed that it has closed and a light scattered-black film has grown on it. It didn't look healthy this morning so I rubbed it off and it left splotches of paper white dyed area as well as normal natural-pink color in the center. The problems bega around the same time as I introduced two False Percula's, simultaniosly, one cleaner shrimp and a couple random species of zoos.
Your ideas and help is greatly appreciated since this is one of my favorite pieces of coral in the tank. No idea is too farfetched to help. Thank you.